Friday, 13 June 2014

Explorer's Journal

Along with the Young Explorer Grant that I received last year comes the ability to post to the Explorer's Journal, the blog for Nat Geo Explorers. My first post went up a few days ago and I am excited to share it with you. 

Once you're given a log-in, you have it for life; so watch this space for many more to come!

Monday, 24 March 2014


Renosterveld is known (or at least should be known) as the richest bulb kingdom in the world - this means that more bulb species occur in the Overberg renosterveld than any other area on Earth of the same size. Here are some of the stunning species I've encountered thus far in the genus Moraea

 Moraea macronyx

 Moraea gawleri

 Moraea debilis (Endangered)
Known from fewer than 5 locations

 Moraea tricolor (Endangered)
Between 6 and 12 populations remain

 Moraea tripetala

 Moraea fergusoniae

 Moraea bituminosa

 Moraea lewisiae subsp. lewisae

 Moraea tricuspidata

 Moraea inconspicua
(no this one isn't dried out or old, this is full bloom for this strange little Moraea)

 Moraea setifolia

 Moraea melanops (Endangered)
Known from just 3 locations

Moraea ciliata